How I'm using Obsidian as a CMS


Obsidian as CMS goes crazy

Using MDX remote to host my files elsewhere is already working great for me, and works perfectly if we're just talking about text. However, it gets a little more complicated with images.

Custom rehype plugin

This is necessary because the src coming in of the image is in the format file///User/.../image.png which sucks because browsers don't know what that is. When we use images on web pages, we usually will have them in our public folder, so the format would be:

<img src = "/image.png"></img>

What I did to solve this problem is to use ChatGPT to generate some code to make a basic rehype plugin because I have no idea wha that means, that looks at all the images the remote MDX parses, and change all of the images.

function rehypeChangeImgSrc() {
  return (tree: any) => {
    visit(tree, "element", (node) => {
      if (node.tagName === "img" && && {
        const fileName = "/" +"/").pop(); = fileName; = fileName;

This means that it is expecting there to be an image of the same name in the public folder of your project, but that works for me :) Especially because a lot of the time I am just dragging that photo from my public folder onto my Obsidian file.